About the KTW Triathlon
The Keep Texas Wild Triathlon at beautiful Lake Corpus Christi State Park offers two race distance options. The Sprint, Sprint Relay and Mini-Sprint Triathlon. The course can be challenging for new and experienced triathletes. The swim is in deep open water with wave starts (many athletes swimming side by side). The bike is an “open course” which means that although law enforcement will be present, the roads will be open to regular vehicular traffic. There are some small hills on the bike course. The run course is hilly. Please do not attempt this race unless you are well trained and prepared. All finishers will receive a custom finisher medal. *While the course will be marked, It is the responsibility of the participant to know the course so please study the maps below to ensure you follow the correct course.
Pricing & Registration
600 yard swim, 12 mile bike, 5K run
Price through December 31, 2022 - $65
January 1 through March 31 - $75
April 1 through April 30- $85
Sprint Relay
600 yard swim, 12 mile bike, 5K run
Price through December 31, 2022 - $110
January 1 through March 31- $135
April 1 through April 30- $145
300 yard swim, 5.5 mile bike, 1.5 mile run
Price through December 31, 2022- $50
January 1 through March 31 - $60
April 1 through April 30 - $65
No Refunds. No Race Transfers, except for Relay Team.
Online Registration is limited to the first 180 registered participants.
No Race Day Packet Pick-up or Race Day sign ups
600 yard swim, 12 mile bike, 5K run
Price through December 31, 2022 - $65
January 1 through March 31 - $75
April 1 through April 30- $85
Sprint Relay
600 yard swim, 12 mile bike, 5K run
Price through December 31, 2022 - $110
January 1 through March 31- $135
April 1 through April 30- $145
300 yard swim, 5.5 mile bike, 1.5 mile run
Price through December 31, 2022- $50
January 1 through March 31 - $60
April 1 through April 30 - $65
No Refunds. No Race Transfers, except for Relay Team.
Online Registration is limited to the first 180 registered participants.
No Race Day Packet Pick-up or Race Day sign ups
Packet Pick Up
Packet Pick Up
Packet Pickup will be held on Saturday, May 3, 2025 at Bay Area Bicycles from 10:00AM to 5:00PM.
Bay Area Bicycles is located at 6020 SPID, Corpus Christi, TX 78412 in the Gulfway Shopping Center at Airline and SPID.
Packet Pickup will be held on Saturday, May 3, 2025 at Bay Area Bicycles from 10:00AM to 5:00PM.
Bay Area Bicycles is located at 6020 SPID, Corpus Christi, TX 78412 in the Gulfway Shopping Center at Airline and SPID.
Remember to bring your USAT membership card to packet pickup if you are a member.
If you do not have your USAT card with you at packet pickup you will be required to purchase a one day USAT membership to obtain your packet. All participants must pick up their own packets and bring some form of governmental ID card to packet pickup.
One Day USAT Membership:
You MUST be covered by USAT supplemental insurance to participate in this Triathlon; NO EXCEPTIONS. You are covered by USAT insurance if you are a member of USAT. If you are not a member of USAT, you must purchase a one day membership to USAT. The one day membership for USAT is $15 for Adults ages 18 and up and $10 for Youth ages 17 and under. If you are not a USAT member, you can purchase your one day membership when you register for the event. You can also purchase your one day membership at regular packet pickup. The registration fee shown above for the event does not include the one day membership for USAT or the cost of a USAT membership. The $15 fee or the $10 fee is collected by event management on behalf of USAT.
Groups or individuals, we need all the help we can get! Volunteers are an integral part of producing successful events. Volunteering for KTW is a great opportunity to support your community, earn required services hours, and build team work and camaraderie.
Need Date Time Place Details
Packet Stuffing Thursday, May 1 7:00 PM Bay Area Bicycles Following the BAB brick workout
Packet Pickup Saturday, May 3 10AM - 5PM Bay Area Bicycles Two hour shifts working Packet Pickup
Race Set Up Saturday, May 3 All Afternoon Lake CC State Park Course, transition and course setup
Race Volunteers Sunday, May 4 6:30-10:00 AM Lake CC State Park Various race volunteer assignments*
Clean Up Crew Sunday, May 4 10:30 AM-12:00 Lake CC State Park Assist with course break down
*Some race day volunteer assignments include kayakers (swim course safety), food prep and distribution, aid station drink distribution, packet and timing chip distribution, course turn direction, finisher medal distribution, and more fun stuff!
Packet Stuffing Thursday, May 1 7:00 PM Bay Area Bicycles Following the BAB brick workout
Packet Pickup Saturday, May 3 10AM - 5PM Bay Area Bicycles Two hour shifts working Packet Pickup
Race Set Up Saturday, May 3 All Afternoon Lake CC State Park Course, transition and course setup
Race Volunteers Sunday, May 4 6:30-10:00 AM Lake CC State Park Various race volunteer assignments*
Clean Up Crew Sunday, May 4 10:30 AM-12:00 Lake CC State Park Assist with course break down
*Some race day volunteer assignments include kayakers (swim course safety), food prep and distribution, aid station drink distribution, packet and timing chip distribution, course turn direction, finisher medal distribution, and more fun stuff!
Click here to email Race Director and volunteer.
Race Course
The swim will be held in Lake Corpus Christi. It will be wave starts on a clockwise rectangle course. Athletes will enter the water by wave assignment and start approximately 2 minutes apart. Sprint swimmers will turn at the last orange buoys. Mini-sprinters will turn at the green buoys. |
The bike course starts in the park and exits to the right on Park Road 25. The turn-around is on Park Road 25 just before Highway 359. Once back at the park entrance, Mini-Sprinters will turn left back into the park. Sprinters will proceed past the entrance towards Mathis on FM 1068. The turn-around is on FM 1068 in Mathis. Once back at the park entrance, Sprinters will turn right into the park. Bike support will be provided by Bay Area Bicycles. The bike course will be marked with white signs that have blue directional arrows. |
The run course will be on paved roads located inside the State Park. The run course will be marked with orange signs that have black directional arrows. The orange signs will be mounted on top of orange traffic cones. |
Click here to print course maps
Sprint Tri Individual - Overall Male / Female and Overall Masters Male / Female (40 and Up) plus 1st / 2nd / 3rd Male and Female for the following age groups; (19 & Under), (20-29), (30-39), (40-49), (50-59), (60-69), (70+)
Mini-Sprint Tri Individual - Overall Male / Female and Overall Masters Male / Female (40 and Up). There are no age group awards for the Mini-Sprint
Sprint Relay - 1st / 2nd / 3rd Overall Relay Team. There are no Age group awards for the Sprint Relay
Mini-Sprint Tri Individual - Overall Male / Female and Overall Masters Male / Female (40 and Up). There are no age group awards for the Mini-Sprint
Sprint Relay - 1st / 2nd / 3rd Overall Relay Team. There are no Age group awards for the Sprint Relay
Maps & Park Entry
Location: Lake Corpus Christi State Park. The park is on Park Road 25 located 4 miles southwest of Mathis, Texas off of State Highway 359. It is 35 miles Northwest of Corpus Christi.
Click here to print Course Maps
Click here to print the Event Parking Map
Park Entry: The State Park entry fee is included in the registration fee for regular packet pick up participants. Show your race bib to the park entry attendant for “free” entry. Spectators and late packet pick-up participants will pay a $5 per person entry fee.
Entry for children 12 and under is free.
Entry for children 12 and under is free.
Race Day Schedule
Arrive early! It will take time to get through the line at the park entrance, find a parking spot, and walk your gear to transition. Have your race bib ready to show at the park entrance for free entry.
6:45 AM Transition Area Opens (bike check and body marking begins)
7:15 AM Timing Chips Available
8:05 AM Transition Area Closes
8:10 AM Mandatory Pre-race Meeting
8:20 AM Sprint Swim Wave 1 - Men 39 and under and all Relay swimmers
8:22 AM Sprint Swim Wave 2 - Men 40 and over
8:24 AM Sprint Swim Wave 3 - Women 39 and under
8:26 AM Sprint Swim Wave 4 - Women 40 and over
8:28 AM Mini-Sprint Swim Wave – All Mini-Sprinters
10:30 AM Awards Presentation (Tentative)
7:15 AM Timing Chips Available
8:05 AM Transition Area Closes
8:10 AM Mandatory Pre-race Meeting
8:20 AM Sprint Swim Wave 1 - Men 39 and under and all Relay swimmers
8:22 AM Sprint Swim Wave 2 - Men 40 and over
8:24 AM Sprint Swim Wave 3 - Women 39 and under
8:26 AM Sprint Swim Wave 4 - Women 40 and over
8:28 AM Mini-Sprint Swim Wave – All Mini-Sprinters
10:30 AM Awards Presentation (Tentative)
Athletes Guild will provide timing for the Mini-Sprint and Sprint Triathlon. You will be issued a timing chip with a velcro strap the morning of the event. You must wear your timing chip on your left ankle during the entire event. For relay teams, you will exchange the timing chip in transition at the location where your bicycle is racked.
Event Shirts
If you register by Monday, April 3, 2025, you will receive an event shirt. Registrations after Apr. 3 MIGHT receive a shirt. Please register now to ensure that you receive an event shirt. Shirt Sizes: Adult - Small, Medium, Large, X-Large, XX-Large
Camping at Lake Corpus Christi State Park
For information about overnight RV or tent camping, air conditioned shelters, or other park amenities click here.
La Quinta Inn, Mathis, Texas
We have a discounted rate of $80.00+taxes at La Quinta Inn, 12909 I H 37, Mathis, TX 78368.
Call 361-547-0200 and let them know you want the “Keep Texas Wild Triathlon rate”. You must book by August 28, 2021 to receive the discounted rate. The rate is only good for Saturday night, September 11th.
For information about overnight RV or tent camping, air conditioned shelters, or other park amenities click here.
La Quinta Inn, Mathis, Texas
We have a discounted rate of $80.00+taxes at La Quinta Inn, 12909 I H 37, Mathis, TX 78368.
Call 361-547-0200 and let them know you want the “Keep Texas Wild Triathlon rate”. You must book by August 28, 2021 to receive the discounted rate. The rate is only good for Saturday night, September 11th.
First Time Triathlete Information
If this is your first Triathlon, click here to read some helpful tips on preparing for race day, what to expect at the race site, and commonly violated USAT rules. Preparation = Confidence!